Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. is aslo known as Sida indica Linn., belongs to Malvaceae, family.
The Arabic Name for this herb is Abtiluon-Hindi.
The English Names for this herb are Abutilon, Country mallow, Indian abutilon, Indian mallow, Monkey bush.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Kanghi, Kuho, Mashtal Ghol, Pat-tir, Peeli Buti.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. are Anti-gonorrhoeal, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Carminative, Demulcent, Depurative, Diuretic, Emollient, Galactagogue, Lithontriptic, Resolvent, Sedative, Stimulant, Styptic.


  • Sedative

  • Indications

    The Indications of Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. are Gleet, Piles, Skin Eruptions, Genito-Urinary Complaints, Deafness.

    The Indications of Seeds of Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. are Gonorrhoea, Piles, Cystitis, Gleet.

    The Indications of Flowers of Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. are Chest Affections, Diarrhoea.

    The Indications of Leaves of Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. are Dyspepsia, Wounds, Gonorrhoea, Toothache, Congestion, Flatulence, Cough, Fever, Bloody Piles, Vaginal Infection, Urethritis, Genito-Urinary Complaints, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Eye Abscess.

    The Indications of Root of Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. are Hematuria, Urethritis, Leprosy, Strangury, Fever, Gonorrhoea.

    No Contra Indication information is available for Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet..


    The Temperament of Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. is 2nd order, warm and dry.

    Available Brands

    No Brand information is available for Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet..

    Compound Preparations

    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. is used in the preparation of Ashokarishta Tonic compounds.


    Whole Herb15.000gm - 30.000gmN/A
    Seeds7.000g - 12.000gN/A

    Herb's Description

    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet. is a subshrub and glabrous in texture, 4-6 inches long, is evergreen, errect, and branched, which blooms from february to july
    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s Leaves: glabrous in texture, heart, silvery green in color, size is usually 9 x 5 cm. Cordate, Dentate, Soft
    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s Seeds: glabrous in texture, and arranged in a roset girth, kidney
    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s Flowers, yellow in color. Solitary in axils, on long pedicels (4-7 cm), usually longer than the petioles;Petals, imbricate, deltoid-obovate, 1 cm long or slightly more, staminal-tube hirsute with stellate hairs.
    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s Stem: glabrous in texture, 1-2 m long, stout, errect, and branched
    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s Fruit: glabrous in texture, circular, of 11-20 radiating carpels, brown when dry in color. Each carpel flattened, somewhat boatshaped, apiculate by the short persistent style-remnant, about 8 mm long.

    Taste Odor & Occurrence

    Occurence: It is native of South-East Asia. It occurs in Indus Delta (Pakistan), Karachi (Pakistan), Kashmir, Mirpur (Pakistan), Punjab (Pakistan), South-West of Khozdar (Pakistan).. Now widespread as a tropical weed. Commonly found in upland fields, waste lands and roadsides. Loamy soil is best for growth. In Punjab this plant occurs in plains and lower hills.


    No information regarding Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s substitute is currently available.

    Active Constituents

    Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s Active constituents:


    No information regarding Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.'s antidot is currently available.

    Warning & Precautions

    Excessive use is not advisable to very weak individuals or persons with drastically reduced weight.


    Currently no Toxicity information is available for Abutilon indicum (Linn) Sweet.. (work in progress)